Entrepreneurial Mindset and Business Planning Program

Gain the essential tools to help jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey. This 8-week mindset course is designed to test your concept, practice customer discovery, and evaluate your overall business readiness.

Law 101 for New Businesses

Entrepreneurs face many challenges in launching a new business—especially during a pandemic! In this workshop, attorney and law school professor Nathan Hammons will discuss legal essentials for new businesses. Topics...

How to Conduct Effective Market Research


Find out how to check if your product or service will sell to your target customer. If you are an entrepreneur, or are aspiring to be one, then you don’t...

BizStarts Mentorship Training Session and Q&A

The Wisconsin City Club 900 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, United States

The session will focus on opportunities and challenges when successful business leaders attempt to mentor those from poverty and disadvantaged circumstances who are attempting to launch and grow businesses. Attention...